Spinx Focus

Spinx Focus


We've lost our /focus.

In Vanilla we had access to secure API calls so could write our own focus macros. In TBC these were secured, but we were given the /focus functions. In Classic we have neither. As an interrupter, healer, high-aggro DPS etc you really want that back.

I have created a -very- limited version of this. Select your target, then type "/focus". This sets your focus. In your macro use "/click SFB" before your attack/cast and it will target your selected focus to run against them. It just saves you having to write a "/tar unitname" in your macros that needs to be updated every group/boss.

Missing functions

- Casting at focus without changing target (though you can use /targetlasttarget)

- Macro conditionals like [@focus] or [nofocus] as these are protected and did not appear until TBC

- Changing focus while in combat - Don't think this is possible as updating macro text is locked out during contact, but if I find a way...

- Will only focus by name not GUID so if there are duplicate names (NPCs) in range it may get the wrong one*

- It will only target what is in front of you. It is really just as simple as using a "/tar unitname". If they are out of range, tough.

* This is less useful for targeting NPCs for CC, interrupts etc due to the risk of targeting the wrong one. I use this as a healer or DPS as I can set the tank as focus before combat as I know their name will be unique. It will also work on bosses.

Any other ideas please let me know. I already have the start of a visible confirmation of your current focus that I may expand on...