ShammyShields Anchor


ShammyShields Anchor is specifically for restoration shaman's using HealBot Continued and ShammyShields. This addon will keep ShammyShields anchored to HealBot as HealBot changes locations and shape due to your group changing.

  • Usage /KSSA | /SSAnchor [Position] [HBFrameName].
  • Positions = [left|right|top|bottom|off].
  • Healbot Frame = [self|main tanks|healers|group|my targets|focus|raid|pets|vehicle|targets]

Example: /kssa top main tanks

Thanks to: BMCKay for ShammyShields and StrifeCUK for HealBot Continued

Translators are needed.

Submit a defect or enhancement?

Elektrode (Grizzly Hills / Lothar)