Specs & Talents Action Bar


STAB - specs & talents action bar is an addon meant to manage actions on the action bar when swapping talents and specs.

It can save profiles of the action bar and copy action bars between characters. It can also associate action bar buttons for each talent or glyph. Then, when you change to that talent next time, all those buttons will be automatically placed.

Very useful for arena players which tend to change talents each match - you will not need to manually move your actions every match, they will be placed for you, saving time in the start of the match and avoiding annoying situations where you forgot to place an action before a match starts and need to open the UI and drag & drop things in the middle of the match.

Usage: write /stab or just access the menu for the addon tab in Game Menu -> Interfaces Changing profiles will change your whole action bars. You can copy profiles from other characters to copy their action bars, and create new profiles which will save the current state of action bars. To associate buttons with talents click tier -> talent, then click associate. (Same for glyphs) Then, drag and drop all the buttons you want to associate with the talent (you can also remove actions), and click save. You will see all the recorded actions, and you can click on apply.

Next time you change to that talent, all the recorded actions will be placed on the bars.

Known issues: Macros are (intentionally) saved by name. The addon will not properly work if you have several macros with the same name.

There's an issue where teleporting (or heartstone) somehow causes the addon to act like you have just changed talents. Will fix it soon.