Stopwatch Alert

Stopwatch Alert


Welcome to Stopwatch Alert

Primary Audience: Gold Farmers who use the stopwatch to keep track of when they should be looting

Sound: The sound uses your Master volume slider in game, so if you want to adjust its sound you must use that slider

Youtube Guide:

How to Use: 

Create a macro in game and put this inside:

/sw play
/sw 105

/sas 105

/sassound 2

/sasreminder 15


/sw play  -  Starts the stopwatch

/sw 105   -  Sets the stopwatch timer to 1 minute and 45 seconds, it then starts to count down because the stopwatch has started playing

/sas 105  -  Starts the addon alert timer to match 1 minute 45 seconds on the stopwatch

/sassound 2 -  Sets the sound effect to be played to the 2nd one in the list, see the list down below 

/sasreminder 15 - Chat messages and goblin reminder telling you to start your timer 15 seconds after the timer has stopped


/sas <number of seconds>

/sassound <number between 1 and 10>

/sasreminder <number of seconds>

List of Sound Effects: 

1 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Chest opening 

2 - The Legend of Zelda: Navi saying hey listen

3 - Mario coin 

4 - Mario: here we go!

5 - Mario power up 

6 - Crash Bandicoot Aku Aku

7 - Capcom intro

8 - Duck hunt kill

9 - Overwatch: Its High noon

10 - Half life: Wake up Mr freeman

If you dont choose what sound to play, the default is the 1st one in the list, also I am willing to take sound effects requests. But that doesn't mean ill just add anything, it has to fit what I am going for.