Sunn - Viewport Art (SunnArt) by [riftbit] ErgoZ

Sunn - Viewport Art (SunnArt) by [riftbit] ErgoZ


Project: Sunn - Viewport Art SunnArt by riftbit ErgoZ


Sunn - Viewport Art (SunnArt) by [riftbit] ErgoZ for World of Warcraft

Custom Sunn Art textures by [riftbit] ErgoZ

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This Art Pack contains

Custom Viewport Arts

  • wc3_human_ui_ergoz - Warcraft III - Human UI by ErgoZ

Includes original SunnArtPack10 files with another file path organisation

  • wc3_horde - Warcraft III - Horde
  • wc3_human_ui2 - Warcraft III - Human UI
  • wc3_nelf_ui - Warcraft III - Night Elf UI
  • wc3_orc_ui - Warcraft III - Orc UI
  • wc3_undead_ui - Warcraft III - Undead UI