Super Status Tracking Bar

Super Status Tracking Bar


Tired of squinting at double bars to see your exp and azerite power? This addon changes the new double bar to a single, larger tracking bar with larger text centered on the bar. It also increases the information that is displayed on the bars and automatically alternates between the different bars such as the experience bar and the azerite power bar... and if you are tracking honor or reputation it will switch between those as well. When your status changes it will switch to that bar. Gain XP then the experience bar shows longer, rep changes cause the bar to switch and show the rep that just changed. Gain multiple changes at once and whatever the last one Blizzard reports will be shown.

This addon has a custom Gather Bar for all your gathering info needs. If you mine or pick herbs or the like the bar will now display your skill level for it when you skill up. If you go fishing and skill up... you get a bar displaying your fishing skill. Skinning? You get a skinning bar. Archaeology? You get a bar showing your current skill to the max of 950 as Blizzard doesn't break up Archaeology by expansions so it isn't as nice but it is something. When the Gather Bar triggers it will ignore events for 1 second so the bar will be preferred over any experience gains from herbalism or mining.

This addon can track multiple reputation changes at once and can scroll through the last group of rep changes as long as RepHelper is not changing the reputation bars (You can override this behavior in the settings page). You can change the current displayed bar by using the mousewheel while over the bar meaning you can change to any tracked bar except the Gather Bar with your mousewheel. You cannot change to the gather Bar as there isn't enough info available to the WoW api without opening  the tradeskill window and that could cause some lag by forcing load on demand trade addons to have to be loaded as well. It would also have then too much info to scroll through (being every expansions available gathering levels and what not)

This addon works with Bartender 4 and the default Blizzard bars as well.

The addon settings are accessed by typing "/sstb" . They are the bar size, text size, time before change, and time to stay on the bar when changed by an event and many more settings.


For non enUS users the new gather bar may not trigger properly as the information to the event that blizzard sends is a localized text string that needs to be parsed. The addon attempts to self localize by using various global stings and Blizzard functions but if you have an issue with some strings could you let me know or if someone wished to translate the key names in GatherBarTables.lua I could include them in the file to increase its usefulness to other people.