This is a bam addon as many users know it.
-Makes a bam sound when you crit and announces it in written form, depending on your settings
-Easy to configure via gui
-Allows to choose one or multiple channels to which to announce: Say, Yell, simply print for yourself, Guild, Raid, Emote, Party, Officer Chat, Raid Warning, Battleground and Whisper to one or several people
-You can choose one of multiple from four event types: Spell damage, range attack, melee and heal
-The Output message can be customized
-A threshold can be set below which crits are ignored
-Print and reset a list of your highest crits by spell
-Can be set to only trigger on new crit record for each spell
My guildies asked for it.
Send praise and hate to Notverband-Venoxis or Deadalot-Venoxis
Feel free to ask for any features to add.
Addons can't send to public channels like /1, /2 etc anymore.