Switch Specs

Switch Specs


Switch Specs

Tired of healing in your DPS gear? Switch Specs is a very simple addon that allows you to switch specializations and equipment with a single click.

What you need:

  1. Current version requires you to create a macro and place it on your bars with the following code: /switchspec
  2. Then create equipment sets (using the in game equipment manager) named to correspond with your classes specializations (e.g. Balance, Protection, Shadow, etc.)

How it works:

Left click the macro to switch to Specialization 1 and equip the equipment set in a single click!

  • Right mouse button for Spec 2
  • Middle mouse button for Spec 3 (or an Alt equip set)
  • Shift-Left click for Spec 4 (or Alt equip set)
  • Shift-Right click for Alternate equipment set
  • Shift-Middle click for Alternate equipment set

Boring details for those interested:

You may create up to 6 sets: 1 for each of your Specializations and then the remainder are to be named Alt1, Alt2... (Note, Druids will only have 2 additional equipment sets while Demon hunters will have 4 additional sets available)

Equipment sets not associated with a specialization (Alt1, Alt2, Alt3 or Alt4) will not attempt to change your specialization. This is convenient if you want to create a fishing set or PvP set and not want to have additional buttons.

Current Issue(s):

1. This addon silently fails if in combat. If you are attacked while fishing, you will need to search your bag (or go to your character pane and directly click the equipment set) in order to re-equip your weapon. Solution is in progress

Update: If you click on the addon button your weapon will be loaded to your cursor. You need to then click on your character portrait to equip that weapon. This is not an ideal solution as it requires multiple clicks and also only gives you one weapon (not good for dual wielding or shields). Still working on an acceptable solution.

Please send feedback. I would love to hear if this is helpful or if I can improve it.