Swyn's Guild Promoter

Swyn's Guild Promoter



This mod is no longer being maintained. Use at your own risk.


This mod is basically a guild management tool for casual guilds with a lot of members.
It provides a number of features, but is mostly built around the ability to promote or demote based on a guild member's time within the guild as well as their Level, Guild Reputation, Time Offline and Achievement Points.

Version 3.01

Time In Guild
When you first load version 3.01, the addon will give everybody in the guild a "Join Date". This join date will be the same as the time you logged in. This is because Blizzard doesn't support it and the addon cannot possibly find out when current members joined. New members, however, will be given the correct date and time as the addon will know exactly when they joined.

You can change the join date for any member via the "Member Join Dates" tab in the addon settings.

For promotions it works exactly like the others do. You put a value in each rank for what it requires as a minimum and anybody above that value can be considered for promotion, anyone below will be demoted.

Time Offline
Time Offline is fairly self explanatory, but has one main difference over all the other statistics. The others all require a minimum value before a person is considered for a promotion. Time Offline requires a maximum. If anybody has been offline longer than their rank's Time Offline cut-off, then they will be demoted.

For a more in-depth description of these features, and more, click the Settings button in the addon's UI. It will provide a little more detail.
Most features also come with their own description in their settings tab.

Slash Commands

/sgp - Shows the UI.
/sgp show - Shows the UI.
/sgp hide - Hides the UI.
/sgp settings - Opens the Settings UI.