UI Settings and CVars for fast new Twink leveling.
the following CVars will be set on every logon and every char.
SetCVar("Sound_NumChannels", 128) #Doubles the Available audio Channels
SetCVar("violenceLevel", 5) # More Blood
SetCVar("cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor", 2.6) #Max Camera Distance
SetCVar("screenshotQuality", 10) # Enhanced Screenshot details and removed hidden Watermarking
SetCVar("autoLootDefault",1) #Enables autoloot per default.
SetCVar("showTutorials", 0) # Disables Tutorials for new Chars.
Version v0.3 Changes:
Skip Intro Cinematic
if your char is below lvl 2 or you haven't logged out since you started a lvl 1 char all Cinematics will be skipped.