Talent Loadout Manager

Talent Loadout Manager


Feature request: Could you please make it possible to disable auto saving?

BrianMcKeever opened this issue · 3 comments


I make slight adjustments to talents a lot in arena like I only take poison cleansing totem vs assassin rogues. Every time I make a talent adjustment, the addon creates a new page with the same name. I currently have 15 "pvp cdew" pages that I have no quick way to distinguish between. I'd strongly prefer it if it only saved when I told it to, so it would be nice if that was an option I could toggle off in the settings.

Also a "save as" button would be nice. Thanks.


try to delete all of them, including the blizzard loadout, and then go with a fresh blizzard loadout
it should only create new loadouts when clicking Create, Import, or when loading a blizzard loadout from an alt


that's very odd, cause there isn't actually any autosave feature 🤔
could you send a screenshot of how it looks like?



This is the only character I'm using the "pvp cdew" profile on. I've only imported it once and never tried to save duplicates of it.