- 7
10.2 Leveling Module Error
#11 opened by Kyreaper - 1
[Manager API] LoadLoadouts not working on blizzard loadouts that are used as a base
#12 opened by derfloh205 - 1
Change color of the selection Loadout bar.
#13 opened by Odysseas68 - 1
Feature Request : Auto change Loadout
#14 opened by gaveer - 11
Loadouts not loading and causing error
#3 opened by picklerick84 - 7
Import/Create is overwriting existing loadouts
#1 opened by rljohn - 5
Talent Frame Scale Reseting
#2 opened by lowpita - 2
Feature suggestion: Allow to lock talent loadouts
#5 opened by tflo - 1
Can't load DK talent sets
#6 opened by FireSock94 - 2
Feature WIP: Talent Tree Leveling Tips
#7 opened by mateutek - 6
10.1.5: Druid Guardian specs appear not to load correctly
#9 opened by dekimsey - 5
Feature : Choose name of imported loadout
#10 opened by Mazwak - 2
Taint on action bars sometimes when I do something in TalentLoadoutManager.
#15 opened by Gateswong - 1
Switching to a custom loadout without a base blizzard loadout results in weird behaviour
#17 opened by Numynum - 1
Elemental Shaman Leveling from Icy Veins doesn't load correctly - Duplicated named "Stormkeeper"
#18 opened by Lilyheart - 3
Feature Request: Link Loadouts with Equipment Sets
#19 opened by DennisRas - 3
Feature request: Could you please make it possible to disable auto saving?
#20 opened by BrianMcKeever - 2
"Script ran too long" when importing or selecting saved loadouts (CONFLICT WITH OTHER ADDONS)
#21 opened by MechaZao - 2
Not saving talents on a druid
#22 opened by lqnrd - 2
Getting nil when querying loadout infos by ID
#23 opened by lukaszsmoczynski - 2
Edge case when importing a loadout
#24 opened by emptyrivers - 1
Error every time I open the talent window
#25 opened by gotex007 - 0
Bug Error when trying to open Talents in combat
#26 opened by sjp-softwareone