



Talented lets you save and recall various talent builds as you specify. Have a particular build you like to quest with, but different builds for Dungeons, Mythics, Single Target, AoE, Raiding, PvP, etc? Save ALL your different builds with this addon, and instantly apply saved builds with two simple clicks.


Many options can be accessed in the interface options or with /talented for quick access.

  • PvE and PvP - Works great for PvE and PvP builds.
  • Tier Ignore - Building out for a specific ability and don't care about certain tiers? Talented lets you ignore those tiers and just save and recall the talents you care about.
  • Class-based Talents - Builds are saved by class, so if you log in on other characters of the same class, your saved builds will still be accessible.
  • Chat Spam Silence - Tired of being told what you've learned/unlearned even though you just clicked the buttons? I was! So Talented does something about it. By default, it only silences chat when Talented does the talent swapping.
  • PvP Hiding - Don't PvP and tired of seeing the PvP button? You can hide it, if you like.
  • DataBroker Plugin - Change your builds without even having to open the talent pane with the DataBroker plugin.