


Displays tank health pool, healer and group health/mana pools, totems and healer in range in a moveable frame.


howto: here
version logs: here
issues: here
mini game: here
BananaraidSpliT: here

newest beta v.2004082021beta for testing (revision bar updates because suppression room)
latest release v.2004041728


- hanging lamp announcer

  "Tank-O-Meter >> healer mana at  x% right now, pull at yz%"
                          and if conditions are met

- add slash command /tometpull to announcer to create
  macros easier


New Style & Role Poll Tanks

New Style & Role Poll Damager


New Style & Role Poll Healer

1. Healer not in range
2. How many totems in your range
3. Totem in your range
4. Light turns into red, yellow and green for pull
5. How many Damager have buff totem(s) in range
6. How many Damager are infight (not visable in this screenshot)
7. How many Damager are drinking
8. In this case Damager health pool
9. In this case Damager mana pool
10. Tanks in group
11. Tanks alive
12. Tanks on list
13. Healer in group
14. Healer alive
15. Healer on list


after installation or update:
Config-O-Panel will open automatically once



Bad Pull notification:
triggered if healer mana less than Hanging-O-Lamp yellow/red threshold