Target Marker Icon Party

Target Marker Icon Party


This addon adds a slash command that will allow you to apply target marker icons to party members that don't have them. It will leave unchanged any target marker icons that are already assigned to your party. The command to do this is:


It will assign the following icons in this order: circle, then triangle, then diamond, then square, then star.

It will assign icons to everyone except yourself but it will not use an icon that you have already assigned to yourself or some other party member is already using.

If you wish to assign icons to yourself as well as others, then type:

/tmip a    or    /tmip all

I've been in parties where we all knew each other and we all liked icons on all of us so we could locate each other easier. This may be especially useful when one of your party members is a newbie. In mythic dungeons with pick up groups where you're all strangers, this is meant as a temporary assignment that you can remove later. Why would you want to remove them? Some people prefer to not have target marker icons. If you randomly assign target marker icons to your whole party without good reason, your teammates might be unhappy with you. I suggest when you use this command with strangers you put it in a macro explaining why you're assigning icons. An example macro would be like this:

/p This boss has a deadly DoT that I can remove with Mass Dispel faster if I can easily and quickly see where you are.
/p I'm temporarily assigning icons to let me dispel you quicker. When the boss fight is over, I'll remove them.

To remove the icons you applied just type (or put in a macro):

/tmip r     or   /tmip remove

This will remove only the icons that you applied with your last /tmip. If someone already had an icon before you cast /tmip, their icon will be left alone. If you hit /tmip twice, then the first will apply the icons, the second will do nothing since everyone already has icons, and /tmip r will remove nothing since the last /tmip added nothing.

Advanced Usage:

If you want some other icons assigned in some other order, simply add a 5 digit number that gives the icons you want to use in the order you want to use them. For example:

tmip 24358    or    tmip a 24358

will assign circle, then triangle, then diamond, then moon, then skull

The order of assignment is player, party1, party2, party3, party4

--1 Star
--2 Circle
--3 Diamond
--4 Triangle
--5 Moon
--6 Square
--7 Cross (X)
--8 Skull