

Raid boss specific targeting macro for handling add priority.

The addon defines a macro named "TA_Target"; the macro is updated when a boss is targeted before combat.  You can use the defaults provided or define custom versions for your strategy; any customizations are stored in savedvariables.  This keeps from having a bunch of macros or having to paste them in from outside manually.

The way I use it is to set a key bind to an action button, drag the TA_Target macro to it, then hit the key bind during the fight as needed.
So, for me, I bind "t" to "Right ActionBar 2 Button 5"
Example default :
/tar Iron Reaver
/tar Volatile Firebomb

More details on usage :
- /ta will open the options for the addon, this is where you can view the macros.
- You have to target the correct mob to trigger the code, so on a counsel fight it won't load unless you do it right.  Its all defined in DefaultMacros.lua; i.e "Hellfire Assault" target "Siegemaster Mar'tak"; "Hellfire High Council" target "Blademaster Jubei'thos".

Limitations :
- I haven't tested all the defaults yet, so if something is wrong, fix it in your overridden macro before bugging me about it.
- Display bug - if you move from override to custom the macro box is cleared, this is so you don't see the wrong code, but going back does not refresh correctly.  You have to tickle its balls to get it to display correctly; switch boss to something else, then back to what you want and it will work.
- Currently a static list of raid/boss defined in code.
- No magic, I can't make macros do stuff they aren't designed to do, also sometimes targeting is buggy, like after a particular mob dies it still gets targeted because it doesn't disappear fast enough; i.e. Blood Globule
- At first just looking to have some people in my raid group use it.  Learning as I go, see if I want to localize and open it up to users.