Team Equip Compare

Team Equip Compare


Team Equip Compare was created to assist with gear distribution while multiboxing. The initial version handles synchronization of gear data between party members and a tooltip enhancement that displays a comparison for each member of the team. The addon is setup to synchronize whenever the party composition changes, whenever a team member changes any gear, on level up and spec change.


  • Each member of the team must have the addon loaded and be grouped for the equipment data to be shared properly.
  • There are no distance requirements for the addon to work properly.
  • By default, the Ctrl key must be held down to display the enhanced tooltip.

Command Line Options:

  • "/tec" - displays command line options
  • "/tec config" - to display options dialog
  • "/tec sync" - force a full team re-sync
  • "/tec team" - print team members, along with avg equipped iLevel, current spec, and money

Future Enhancement Possibilities:

  • Determine if it's feasible to work with a raid group
  • Localization
  • Rolled up statistic comparison for team.
  • Tabbed dialog with paperdoll for each team member


This addon started as an update of Zolotips (