

teknicolor is a simple addon, it colors player links in chat by their class color, if known. It will color for any player you have “seen” since login, guild memebers, friends, party/raid members, any player you’ve moused over or seen in /who results.


[SIZE=2][B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Visit [URL=http://tekkub.net/]my site[/URL] for more great addons
Please report all bugs and feature requests to my [URL=http://github.com/tekkub/teknicolor/issues]Github tracker[/URL]
Alpha builds can be found on [url=http://github.com/tekkub/teknicolor/tree/master]GitHub[/url].
Alpha builds can be found on github.
Please direct all feedback and questions to my [URL=http://groups-beta.google.com/group/tekkub-wow]Google Groups[/URL] mailinglist[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]