


TellMeWhen Script Tools

This addon is meant to add scripting capabilities to TellMeWhen, alongside adding experimental/niche condition cases to TellMeWhen.

Main modules

  1. Counters and timers- adds the ability to manipulate TMW counters, timers and icon text in LUA.

  2. Dynamic Bar - adds a new bar type that is fully controlled by LUA.

  3. Bar Ticks Marks - allows you to add tick-marks on bars with LUA

  4. Aura Tracker - lets you check for the existence of an aura on a group member

  5. Event Management

  6. Conditions:

    • Empowered Cast Stages - adds a new condition to track the cast stage of an empowered cast.
    • EnemyCounter - adds a new condition based on how many enemies are in melee range.
    • Group Buff Count - count how many in your group have a certain buff
    • All Group Has Buff - check for the existence of a buff for all group members

How to use LUA hooks in TMW

Adding LUA hooks to TMW is done by going to the Notifications tab in an icon's settings, and choosing the LUA option.

The most important hook for TMW ST is On Icon Setup. You will note that many modules provide an Init method that must be used on icon setup.

A common pattern is to initialize configs and constants on setup, and then share them on other hooks. For eg:

-- on icon setup
local icon = ...

local config = {
	counter_name = 'my_counter'
icon.my_config = config

-- on show
local icon = ...
TMW_ST:UpdateCounter(icon.my_config.counter_name, 1)
-- on hide
local icon = ...
TMW_ST:UpdateCounter(icon.my_config.counter_name, 0)

The examples section includes a bunch of TMW imports that show usage of the varios modules.


Empower Cast Stage condition

Adds a new condition under Scripts Tools > Epowered Spell Stage

Counters and timers


  1. TMW_ST:InitCounter(counter_name) - Must be called on Icon Setup. If you do not, TMW will throw errors at you.

  2. TMW_ST:UpdateCounter(counter_name, value)

  3. TMW_ST:GetCounter(counter_name)


  1. TMW_ST.Timers.Init(name) - Must be called on Icon Setup.
  2. TMW_ST.Timers.Start(name)
  3. TMW_ST.Timers.Stop(name)
  4. TMW_ST.Timers.Reset(name)
  5. TMW_ST.Timers.Restart(name)
  6. TMW_ST.Timers.GetTime(name)

Script Text

  1. TMW_ST:SetScriptText(name, text) - a LUA method to set a value to be accessed in DogTags
  2. [ST_GetScriptText(name)] - a DogTag available in TMW icon text fields

Dynamic Bar

This module adds a new icon type - Dynamic Bar. This icon has a list of dedicated methods that can be used in LUA


It is recomended that you call this method on Icon Setup with some default value


icon:setBarColors(startColor, midColor, lastColor)

Colors should be string colors as provided by TMW color picker (with # at the start).

The most common usecase for this method is to dymanically change the bar color. This can be done by passing the same color 3 times to the function:

local icon = ...

local green = '#38f13600'

icon:setBarColors(green, green, green)


Starts a duration countdown with duration length (in miliseconds). If you use this without setting max/current values, it will control the bar display. Otherwise, it will create a value you can track using the various duration DogTags (that is - if you set max/current after you set the duration).

icon:setStacks(stacks [, text])

Will set the stacks attribute of the icon, so you can access in via DogTags. If you pass stackText it will control the value being displayed by the DogTag.


This function will run on every update to the bar. If it returns true the update will commence, otherwise it will skip the update cycle. You can use this function if you want to monitor the icon update cycle, or to make calculations on every tick.

Bar Tick Marks

  1. TMW_ST.Ticks.addTick(icon[,mode [,color] ] )
  2. TMW_ST.Ticks.addTicks(icon, howMany [,mode [,color] ] )
  3. TMW_ST.Ticks.clearTicks(icon)

It is recomended that you call clearTicks on Icon Setup.

Colors are the color strings for TMW color picker (without # at the start)


  • TMW_ST.Ticks.modes.HORIZONTAL - should be used for horizontal bars. Default value
  • TMW_ST.Ticks.modes.VERTICAL - should be used for vertical bars.

Tick Mark Examples

Add 3 magenta colored ticks to a bar:

-- on icon setup
local icon = ...

local Ticks = TMW_ST.Ticks

Ticks.addTicks(icon, 3, Ticks.modes.HORIZONTAL, "ce35d3aa")

Add a tick to rage power bar based on how much rage is needed for Shield Block

local icon = ...
local activeSpec = GetActiveSpecGroup()
local _, _, _, selected = GetTalentInfoByID(382767, activeSpec)

local total_rage = 100
local sb_cost = 30
if (selected) then total_rage = 115 end

Ticks.addTick(icon, sb_cost/total_rage)

-- if we were fancy we can instead run this code on load+talent_changed events so it's always correct

Aura Tracker

Since the current UnitAura api requires that you iterate over all of a unit's auras, I've implemented a mechanism that tracks and caches unit auras so that the look up is super fast. This is experimental, so might have cases where it doesnt work. Let me know!

MW_ST.UnitAuras.getUnitAura(unit, spell)

Spell can be either spell name of spellId. Return value is UnitAuraInfo.

Event Management

Since many LUA scripts will require listening to game events, and since the default event listener API only allows one listener per event, I've added this method to allow multiple listeners to the same event.

TMW_ST:AddEvent(name, callback)

TMW_ST:RemoveEvent(name, callback)


If your code is only meant to run when your icon is shown, it is recommended that add onShow and remove onHide.

-- icon setup

local icon = ...

icon.config = {
	handleEvent = function(event, unit)
		print('aura updated on unit: '..unit)
-- onShow

local icon = ...

TMW_ST:AddEvent('UNIT_AURA', icon.config.handleEvent)
-- onHide
TMW_ST:RemoveEvent('UNIT_AURA', icon.config.handleEvent)