


'''Lots of handy improvements to the TradeFrame''


很多朋友問我TheBurningTrade為什么沒有交易通告了,可能是英語不方便吧,這里用中文說明一下. 交易通告已經分離為另一個單獨的插件TradeLog ( 不但完善了原有的通告功能,更可以看到與當前交易人的近期交易歷史. TheBurningTrade將來的方向是交易界面的增強,而TradeLog是用來處理交易日志和交易記錄的. 抱歉因為插件功能分離給大家造成不便.

Trade Log and History List

These features are moved to another addon - "TradeLog". (

  • Redirects the trade result information to the chat window to avoid missing them
  • Records detailed trade info and provides CROSS-SESSION trade list
  • Analyze why trade failed. Was it because you ran away or he click the cancel button?
  • Announce the trade result and exchanged item info to specified channel, to notify the others.

Click-to-put Style for Trade, Mail, Auction

  • make alt+LeftClick do the same thing of RightClick when TradeFrame/MailBox/AH is open, to awoid mistake using of some expensive items.
  • when in auction browse page, shift+LeftClick to copy item name to the search text, and start searching automaticly.
  • when in auction sell page, ctrl+alt+RightClick to directly sell the item using last price without confirmation.

Trade Recipent Info and Interact Buttons

  • In Trade Window:
  • Recipent's class and level under his name
  • Buttons to whisper the recipent and do emotion.
  • Clicking the recipent's portrait on the trade window to target him.

Amazing Help for Mage and Warlock

  • Buttons to search through your bag and put the WATER/FOOD/HS you conjured into the trade slots.
  • If no enough items found, automaticly cast spell to conjure more.
  • Always conjure the items that fit for the level of the trade recipent.