The Classic Race

The Classic Race


WoW Addon: The Classic Race

This is a WoW addon to keep track of the top 50 players on your realm in the race to lvl60!

Coverage Status



For latest releases that you can just unzip into your Interface\Addons folder, please download from CurseForge or WoWInterface:

Dev Setup

If you want to keep your lua project envs seperated take a look at hererocks (used in .travis.yml as well).

# make sure you have `luarocks`, `luacov` and `busted` installed, you can install them easily with:
make setup-dev


WoW Addon depedency ecosystem is a mess ... we'll just use the release script to fetch the deps, you can fetch them with:

# only downloads if no `./libs` exists
make libs

# always downloads fresh copy
make fetch-libs


# to run test suite and linter:
make lint tests

# if you have `reflex` installed ( you can use this to retry tests on file change:
make reflex-tests

# you can specify a subset of the test files to run with INCLUDES var, like;
make reflex-tests INCLUDES=scan.lua

# or a name of a test with with TESTS var, like;
make reflex-tests TESTS='.*too many max lvl.*'

Test coverage is a bit a lie ... it only shows coverage for the files included in the testsuite run,
but we don't include main.lua, options.lua, scanner.lua and the gui/*.lua files...

The other stuff is well covered and we <3 mocks.


We're trying to avoid using globals as much as possible, so all components are bound to our addon global TheClassicRace
and we generally pass components to other components that depend on them at initialization.
The only TheClassicRace. or TheClassicRace: access should be for Config and the *Print methods.

For some decoupling we can use the EventBus to propagate events as well...

We don't write unittests for main.lua, options.lua, scanner.lua and the gui/*.lua files, because they're so highly dependant on so many libs which in turn are so highly dependent on so many WoW API methods that we'd have to mock way to many things...
For this reason we try to avoid too much logic in these places!