The Earth Mother

The Earth Mother


The Earth Mother

Allows you to say random Horde or Alliance NPC phrases in either 'say' or 'party' chat. These are greetings and dismissals normally used by NPCs, and they are race-specific. So if you are a Draenei, you might express a greeting like "Warm wishes to you.", where as a Tauren might say "Walk with the Earth Mother." as a form of goodbye.

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/tem h - say hello

/tem hp - say hello in party

/tem hy - yell hello

/tem b - say goodbye

/tem bp - say goodbye in party

/tem by - yell goodbye

/tem i - insult someone

/tem ip - insult someone in party

/tem iy - yell an insult at someone

It will say either a Tauren, Orc, Troll, Undead, Blood Elf, Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, or Draenei phrase, depending on your character race. For the insults, it will say a funny insult. If you have a target selected, it will give them an insulting title. Example: "Gorthos the Vile, go and boil your bottom, son of a silly person!"

Tauren Phrases:


  • "Peace, friend."
  • "Hail."
  • "You wish to speak?"
  • "How?"
  • "How may I aid you?"
  • "What brings you here?"
  • "Ah, I've been expecting you."
  • "Well met."
  • "Greetings, traveler."
  • "Greetings."
  • "The winds guide you."
  • "I've been expecting you."


  • "Walk with the Earth Mother."
  • "Winds be at your back."
  • "Go in peace."
  • "May the eternal sun shine upon thee."
  • "Be careful."
  • "We shall meet again."
  • "Ancestors watch over you."
  • "Farewell."
  • "Goodbye.

Orc Phrases:


  • "Speak."
  • "Speak friend."
  • "Zug-zug!"
  • "For the Horde!"
  • "Blood and thunder!"
  • "Strength and honor!"
  • "Lok-tar!"
  • "Thrall hall!"
  • "Mok-rah!"
  • "What do you need?"
  • "What can I help you with?"
  • "What do you need?"
  • "Greetings."


  • "Dabu."
  • "For the Horde!"
  • "Go forth to victory."
  • "Strength."
  • "Go with honor."
  • "Farewell."
  • "Victory."
  • "Be safe."
  • "May your blades never dull."

Troll Phrases:


  • "Talk to me."
  • "Eh there."
  • "Who you be?"
  • "Hello mon."
  • "Greetings mon."
  • "What be on ya mind?"
  • "How ya doing mon?"
  • "Relax."
  • "Lo' mon."
  • "Don't be shy."
  • "What'chu want?"
  • "You come get da Voodoo."


  • "Layta.
  • "Ookie Dookie."
  • "See ya layta."
  • "Stay away from the Voodoo."
  • "You be careful mon."
  • "Be seeing ya."
  • "Spirits be with ya mon."

Undead Phrases:


  • "What do you require?"
  • "This had better be good."
  • "What is it?"
  • "Speak quickly."
  • "I'm listening."
  • "What do you ask of death?"
  • "We are Forsaken."
  • "I am Forsaken."
  • "What now?!"
  • "Hello?"
  • "And you are...?"


  • "Dark Lady watch over you."
  • "Victory for Sylvanas."
  • "Watch your back."
  • "Trust no one."
  • "Do not seek death."
  • "Goodbye."
  • "Our time will come."
  • "Beware, our enemies abound."
  • "Beware the living."
  • "Remember, patience... discipline."
  • "Embrace the shadow."

Blood Elf Phrases:


  • "Anaria shola." (Speak your business.)
  • "Bal'a dash, malanore." (Greetings, traveler.)
  • "We will persevere!"
  • "Our enemies will fall!"
  • "Victory lies ahead!"
  • "Anu belore dela'na." (The sun guides us.)
  • "What business have you?"
  • "Glory to the sin'dorei."
  • "Yes?"
  • "State your business."
  • "The eternal sun guides us."
  • "The dark times will pass."


  • "Farewell."
  • "We will have justice!"
  • "Death to all who oppose us!"
  • "The reckoning is at hand!"
  • "Selama ashal'anore!" (Justice for our people!)
  • "Remember the Sunwell"
  • "Stay the course."
  • "Time is of the essence."
  • "Shorel'aran." (Farewell.)
  • "Keep your wits about you."
  • "Hold your head high."

Human Phrases:


  • "Hello there."
  • "Greetings."
  • "Light be with you."
  • "What can I do for you?"
  • "Well met."
  • "Need help?"
  • "King's honor, friend."
  • "You need somethin'?"
  • "Can I help you?"
  • "How are you?"
  • "Hey there."
  • "Hello."
  • "Good day to you."


  • "Farewell."
  • "Be careful."
  • "Go with honor, friend."
  • "Safe travels!"
  • "For the Alliance."
  • "See you around."
  • "Light bless you."
  • "Have a good one."

Dwarf Phrases:


  • "Hey there!"
  • "Ya got my attention."
  • "How are ya?"
  • "Talk to me."
  • "'Lo!"
  • "Well met."
  • "What's on your mind?"
  • "Great tae meet ya."
  • "What can I do fer ya?"
  • "Aye?"
  • "Interest ya'n a pint?"
  • "Welcome."
  • "Hello."


  • "Off with ye."
  • "Safe travels."
  • "Keep your feet on the ground."
  • "See ya soon."
  • "Watch yer back!"
  • "Be good!"

Gnome Phrases:


  • "Hey."
  • "Greetings!"
  • "Salutations!"
  • "Honored, I'm sure."
  • "Good day to you."
  • "My, you're a tall one!"
  • "Hmmm, interesting."
  • "Pleased to meet you!"
  • "Can I help you?"
  • "Very good."
  • "Need assistance?"


  • "You have a great day now."
  • "Very good."
  • "Very well then."
  • "Off and away."
  • "Be seeing you."
  • "Daylight's burning."
  • "Right."
  • "Alrighty, then!"

Night Elf Phrases:


  • "Elune be with you."
  • "Ishnu-alah." (Good fortune to you.)
  • "Elune light your path."
  • "I am listening."
  • "I am honored."
  • "What brings you here?"
  • "I am listening."
  • "Greetings."
  • "Peace be with you."


  • "Be careful."
  • "Elune guide your path."
  • "Goddess watch over you."
  • "Till the next we meet."
  • "May the stars guide you."
  • "Del-nadres."
  • "Asha-felna."
  • "Farewell."
  • "Go in peace."
  • "Good luck, friend."
  • "Goodbye."

Draenei Phrases:


  • "Blessings upon you."
  • "Archenon poros." (Good fortune.)
  • "Krona ki cristorr!" (The Legion will fall!)
  • "May the light embrace you."
  • "The Naaru have not forgotten us."
  • "Each day is a blessing."
  • "Good fortune!"
  • "Open your heart to the light."
  • "The Legion will fall."
  • "The Legion's end draws near."
  • "Warm wishes to you."


  • "May your days be long and your hardships few."
  • "Be well."
  • "Remember the lessons of the past."
  • "Do not lose faith."
  • "Dioniss aca." (Safe journey.)
  • "Be kind to those less fortunate."
  • "Favor the road traveled by few."
  • "Remain vigilant."
  • "Safe journey."
  • "Blessings upon your family."
  • "Good health, long life."