TheGuide (TG)

TheGuide (TG)


The Guide

What is it?

It's map references for:

- Flight points

- Boats

- Zeppelins

- City guide maps (now showing all trainers, professions, mailboxes and inns)

- Dungeon maps

- Dungeon guide notes (some are done and already available others are in progress)

- Dungeon entrances (done where needed)

- Overview Maps & Dungeon levels 

- Individual world maps with relevant information such as flight points, rares, farm spots etc clearly marked (under review)

This is a new addon, so more will be added over time.

Features / Usage:

- Open addon via left clicking the minimap icon or typing /tg

- Open menu options by right clicking the minimap icon or typing /tg menu

- Scale the addon via the menu or via a slash command by typing /tg scale 0.7      (acceptable values are 0.3 to 1)

- Hide / Show minimap icon via menu (addon will cause a UI reload if you re-enable the minimap icon)

Like it? Use it? Show your support for it!


Due to lack of support and taking far too much of my time & effort,
I will no longer be updating any of my addons.