


This addon tracks buffs/debuffs using the combatlog events to reduce overhead on UnitAura() calls.   This makes a larger difference when tracking auras on multiple mobs.  Status bars are created to track auras.  These bars are highly configurable and sortable into groups that can be positioned.  By default the groups are 'target' and ''untargetted', with aura bars moving between them depending upon whether the aura target is your current target.  Auras can be optionally pinned to the 'target' group when needed, such as important self buffs.

Example auras setups may be Deadly Poison from the player to any unit (including ones not targetted), or Tricks from any unit to the player (covers incoming/outgoing tricks), or any friendly unit Polymorph on a hostile unit (cc timer).

Originally developed solely to track rogue-specific buffs/debuffs (hence the name ThievesTools), it's now a generic aura addon.

Additionally there are combo point icons and an energy meter; originally only for use by rogues and ferals, these now become active for any class that enters a vehicle.


/tht to view the options menu, where profiles can be copied/deleted.  Aura tracking is configured in the aura bar configs submenu, with a host of options, some yet to be implemented (icon positions, audio alerts, announcements).  Bar group configurations.

the options menu is half completed, be warned.