Thurrakks Magtheridon Tracker

Thurrakks Magtheridon Tracker


Hi there, I was looking for an addon which supports the Click Order for Magtheridon but unfortunately I did not find one. So I tryed myself in coding and want to share my result with you. Maybe it supports you to keep the marking as easy as possible. This is my first addon and I am not professional on this topic. Thanks to all the good supporting sites to find the right functions, APIs, etc...

You can start the addon by typing /tmt into the chat. The first thing you need to do is to setup your clicker groups at the Option Frame.

Option Frame

There is no routine to indicate you if you define a player twice, threetimes,... therfore check your setup carefully. In principle the addon will still work but you might have more work to call an backup player. As you can only assign 24 players I recommend to define a single backup player for two groups (e.g skull and cross).

By pressing the "Check Button" you get an short information if your assinged players have been found in your raid. Sometimes I made wrong typings due to all the special characters people are using instead of the "normal" letters so I implemented this as a small helper.

You can also save and load the names to maintain it for the next raid.

If everyting  is  fine you can close the "Option  Frame".

Main Frame:

During the fight you have to manually activate the marks setting by pressing the button "Set Marks" some time before your raid needs to click the cubes.

After this the addon is starting a routine and will verify for each indiviual clicker group if the named player is inside the relevant group, if he alive & online and if he is having the debuff already. If all checks are passed by the raid mark will be set and the current player will be listed at the info screen. You can use the info screen to announce the clickers by a voice chat progamm it if you want. If a  player has the debuff but its duration is less then 30 seconds the player still counts as valid as this will be the  typicall remaining debuff if the order starts from the beginning.

Please note that addon will use the next vaild player in a mark group and will not replace an invalid player automatically with the Backup Player. This means if "Cicker 1" inside of the "skull" group is a not valid player (e.g. dead) the addon will assign "Clicker 2" and so on.... if all players inside the group are invalid (dead, offline, having a debuff...) the addon will write "Get Backup!" and you need to call a name by yourself and improvise for this "Click Round". In such an case the raid overview should support you to find a sutiable player.

To assign new players the button has to be pressed again. If no conditions has changed the marks will remain on the already selected players, which means that you basically could also spam the button several times.

Good Luck

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