Fix for 9.0.1 (Shadowlands) SetBackdrop change

spiralofhope opened this issue ยท 0 comments



This is due to a change in SetBackdrop.

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1x TinyDPS\TinyDPS- attempt to call method '?' (a nil value)
[string "@TinyDPS\TinyDPS-"]:1073: in main chunk

tdpsL = <table> {
 resetClassColors = "Reset Class Colors"
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 close = "Cancel"
 hideInPvP = "Hide In PvP"
 overallData = "Overall Data"
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 raid = "Raid"
 showHealing = "Show Healing"
 short = "Short Format"
 spells = "      %i  Spells in Tooltips"
 barBackdrop = "Bar Backdrop"
 history = "      %i  Historic Fights"
 trackSpellDetails = "Track Spell Details"
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 tipPrefix = <table> {
 noData = "No data to report"
 noTarget = "Invalid or no target selected"
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 hideOutOfCombat = "Hide Out Of Combat"
 resetOnNewGroup = "Reset On New Group"
 top10 = "Top 10"
 frameBackdrop = "Frame Backdrop"
 helpResize = "resize: drag the bottom right corner"
 options = "Options"
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 decrease = "Decrease"
 text = "Text"
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 say = "Say"
 height = "Height"
 helpParameters2 = "/tdps visiblebars <number> | reportlength <number>"
 percent = "Percent"
 top3 = "Top 3"
 nudge = "Nudge"
 current = "Current"
 guild = "Guild"
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 empty = "<Empty>"
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 mono = "Monochrome"
 various = "Various"
 thin = "Thin"
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 oneYourself = "1 (Yourself)"
 swapBarTextColor = "Swap Bar/Text Color"
 helpParameters1 = "/tdps help | reset | damage | healing | whisper <name>"
 keepOnlyBossFights = "Keep Only Boss Fights"
 increase = "Increase"
 maximum = "Visible bars"
 allFight = "Overall     All Fights"
 dps = "DPS"
 unlimited = "? (Unlimited)"
 twenty = "20"
 spacing = "Spacing"
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 whisper = "Whisper Target"
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 officer = "Officer"
bu = <table> {
bar = <table> {
px = nil
com = nil
maxValue = nil
barsWithValue = nil
scrollPos = 1
isMovingOrSizing = false
ttSpellMerge = <table> {
ttMobMerge = <table> {
ttSort = <table> {
cColor = nil
isBoss = <table> {
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 40788 = true
 24560 = true
 6168 = true
 99200 = true
 59915 = true
 60043 = true
 18835 = true
 62346 = true
 60491 = true
 56717 = true
 19219 = true
 34456 = true
 44819 = true
 32857 = true
 10813 = true
 12876 = true
 33113 = true
 25840 = true
 4425 = true
 6488 = true
 77325 = true
 13020 = true
 9038 = true
 76814 = true
 15275 = true
 15339 = true
 11261 = true
 59789 = true
 18708 = true
 26928 = true
 22898 = true
 22930 = true
 91784 = true
 11501 = true
 11517 = true
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 13740 = true
 59150 = true
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 27696 = true
 90378 = true
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 16011 = true
 16059 = true
 11981 = true
 17941 = true
 52498 = true
 44566 = true
 103685 = true
 12237 = true
 98696 = true
 12397 = true
 24850 = true
 24882 = true
 60047 = true
 81297 = true
 39705 = true
 12557 = true
 10558 = true
 3669 = true
 14684 = true
 93068 = true
 21268 = true
 34460 = true
 91789 = true
 49045 = true
 34780 = true
 5401 = true
 69017 = true
 17910 = true
 17942 = true
 62543 = true
 9039 = true
 101002 = true
 7608 = true
 15276 = true
 95885 = true
 15340 = true
 75927 = true
 24723 = true
 33118 = true
 15516 = true
 5721 = true
 20885 = true
 11486 = true
 7800 = true
 11518 = true
 34014 = true
 21269 =