- 2
Retail Update Please?
#31 opened by Gathot94 - 0
Resize handle is non operational :(
#32 opened by AlienOnVacation - 0
classic update?
#21 opened by amey1956 - 0
Fix for 9.0.1 (Shadowlands) SetBackdrop change
#23 opened by spiralofhope - 1
Shadowlands patch 9.0 error
#24 opened by Daeveren - 4
Addon not loading
#26 opened by StevenRosenberg99 - 2
LibBossIds-1.0 Lua Error
#27 opened by Arcaila - 5
bcc update
#29 opened by amey1956 - 1
Map interferance.
#1 opened by thraaace - 3
TinyDPS stuck on cursor after dragging
#2 opened by Talyrius - 1
Amount of historical fights to keep resets
#6 opened by Talyrius - 0
Always display personal position
#7 opened by Talyrius - 1
Sort by DPS/HPS (in addition to Damage/Healing done)
#3 opened by Talyrius - 2
Display multiple meters simultaneously
#4 opened by Talyrius - 0
Add support for LibDataBroker
#5 opened by Talyrius - 1
Map interference
#9 opened by Talyrius - 1
Self highlight
#10 opened by Talyrius - 0
Automatically hide in pet battles
#8 opened by Talyrius - 2
Warlock Demonology - Dreadstalkers Damage Not Being Tracked
#11 opened by LightsJusticeZ - 1
{Question] Position Frame
#12 opened by Imiona - 1
Error messages
#13 opened by MagicKira - 0
Bug | Swatter Global Error | Minion Client
#14 opened by ashthrone90 - 1
[Suggestion] Custom Bar Textures
#15 opened by Imiona - 1
Null error
#16 opened by nxrighthere - 4
No longer works
#17 opened by Daeveren - 8
8.0.1 is here , let's update
#18 opened by FedyTizaoui - 3
Strange issue in raids/party
#19 opened by Dajova - 4
Can't change guild note with TinyDPS addon active.
#20 opened by wowexraider