


Extra action bars addon to make own action bars. It is not replacement to standard action bars.


  • supported buttons: spells, mounts, macro, battlepets, equipment sets
  • right-click self cast
  • keybounds via LibKeyBound
  • configuration via easy dropdown menu
  • tabbed style for several visibility driven bars
  • minimum buttons per bar: 1
  • maximum buttons per bar: 12 * 12
  • custom alpha on mouseleave
  • "FlyoutButton Custom", "Minimap Button Frame", "Button Facade" compatible
  • each button can have own macrotext assigned (independent from standard "Macro")
  • range colored buttons
  • "LastEffect" like text to represent average spell damage/heal
  • "Presets" to copy bars between characters
  • ClickThrough mode

How to

  • enter "Settings Mode": click minimap icon
  • click again or close tools frame to leave
  • to access container/tab settings click "Configure" button (see screenshot)
  • to change rows/cols simply resize container using "Resize" grip button
  • to remove container remove all tabs
  • visibility of button frame depends from visibility options
  • custom visibility macro like ([stealth] show; hide)

Slash commands

  • Type '/teb' or '/TinyExtraBars' to open UI
  • '/teb' or '/TinyExtraBars' plus 'help' to see available

Note: Since v1.49 library LibUIDropDownMenu included. It can be deleted if installed as separate addon.