


I'm leaving WoW again, my last day is Aug. 31st, 2015. If anyone would like to take over this project leave me a note.


A Tiny addon to show a popup window after a Ready Check to remind you to start recording in a Raid. The recorder for our guild has trouble remembering to start recording, so I made this to remind him.

Added support for BGs and Arenas, you should now get a popup alerting you to start recording 15 seconds before the BG/Arena starts, if this isn't working right drop a comment.

This addon does not have an options panel, to disable it the easiest way is to log out to the character select screen click the "addons" button and uncheck TinyFrapsReminder then save the change. If there is demand for it, I would not object to throwing a simple options panel with just an Enable checkbox to make it easier to turn on for only one character.

Current Features
  • You can make the popup box disappear by either clicking the "Go away" button, or pressing Escape on your keyboard.
  • Now also reminds you to stop recording at the end of combat.
  • At this moment this addon only works in Raids, BGs, or Arenas if you would like me to remove that limitation I would like you to state a case for for it. I, personally, don't see much utility for this in a 5-man setting.
  • The popup window will only pop up after everyone in the raid answers Yes to a Ready Check
  • If you are NOT the Raid Leader or a Raid Assistant the popup window will appear whenever the Ready Check completes, this includes members answering "No" or not answering at all. This is a limitation imposed by Blizzard and not something I can fix.
  • This addon is not smart enough to tell the difference between Trash and Bosses, and I could think of no easy way to detect that information, so use your best judgment on when you really should start recording. :)
  • Keybinding is now available! Hit «ESC» and choose «Key Bindings» from the Options menu to add a binding to your recording toggle button. Then when you tap your record toggle key the box will go away automagically.
Coming Soon (ish)
  • Nothing planned.
Known Issues
  • No currently known issues.
  • Changed dialog wording from "Fraps" to "recording".
  • Added support for BGs and Arenas.
  • Added Keybinding support.
  • Hopefully fixed popup to start recording for some BGs
  • Hopefully fixed the stop recording popup from firing early in some BGs.
  • Hopefully fixed the double-popup in SotA introduced with the previous fix.