z Tip

z Tip



Displays asset IDs at the foot of Tooltips. E.g. Spell IDs, Item IDs, various Pet IDs, various Appearance IDs, etc.

Perfect for researching at Wowhead, macro authors trying to squeeze within character limits, and AddOn authors needing to identify game assets.

How to Use

Instal: Like any other AddOn. Set up: Works 'as is'. For configuration enter '/tip' in chat.

/tip to see a menu of possible commands.

/tip a to toggle 'on' or 'off' inserting a blank line above Tip's ID line(s). Use '/tip a ?' to see the current setting.

/tip u n, where 'n' represents seconds and must be >= 0 and <= 0.5. Default is 0.05. Use '/tip u' or '/tip u ?' to see the current setting. Experiencing screen flicker on a tooltip? Lower this value slightly until satisfied.

This is the update interval between those few tooltips which were unable to be eloquently "hooked" and instead must be updated/added by brute force during regular update cycles. A very low value might impact cpu/fps and a value lower than 1/fps would effectively request updates as often as possible. A value accurate to milliseconds is supported. A high value, even above 0.07 on my old computer, caused screen flicker for artifact tooltips. Blizzard often uses a value of 0.2 for tooltips. A high value would relieve any perceived cpu/fps pressure and would be perfectly okay for the other 95% of Tip!


😃 Tip does NOT flicker (unlike other Tooltip AddOns)
😃 Just about all possible tooltip sources are included. For example: Artifacts, auctions, Battle Pets, Appearance Wardrobe + Illusions, bags, spell book, bank, transmogrification, currency, hyperlinks (chat links), talents, NPCs, friendly players, gear, mounts, toys, buffs & debuffs
😃 No Ace libraries = no bloat
😃 Ultra small cpu/memory footprint

If You Like Tip

Nobody can resist an adorable Raptor Hatchling pet or the magnificent Netherwing Drake and Long-Forgotten Hippogryph mounts. You'll of course need Dark Soil for The Tillers friendships and a Loose Pebble for your Dog! While fishing you'll wonder if This Scampi Happening? Oh, but it is! Why not Let Minnow about your fishing poles and you surely Cod Do Batter with your fishing achievements. While adventuring, map your way with X and Y coordinates and always go the Hard Yards measuring distance. Have some fun with Yarrr for pirate Tooltips or turn geek with Fibonacci. See all the hidden game asset IDs with Tip or Enumerate your frames. Achievement critters and NPCs receive some Rare Love and keep track of Sunrise & Sunset.

Cookies, Beer & Donations

It is all about the cookies and beer although, and don't let Gallywix know about this, a "thank you" in the comments section fuels my programming appetite and is very much appreciated. And then, you could cut straight to Donate because as Gallywix would say... "time is money, friend". 😊