- 0
Show PvP rank
#209 opened by frozn - 3
Missing Kalu'ak Whalebone Glider in Mount ID tooltips
#208 opened by Jeremy7600 - 1
Lua error in conjunction with MisDirectionHelper/Plus Macro
#207 opened by frozn - 1
Error when loading TinyTip Template
#206 opened by VolleGH - 6
Conflict with "SavedInstances" Addon
#205 opened by Rhynox - 2
#204 opened by kwonjt2001 - 1
ShoppingTooltip LUA error
#203 opened by hollo6 - 4
Lua error with Blizzard_NamePlates
#200 opened by kwonjt2001 - 3
Bug: Confliction with NovaInstanceTracker
#199 opened by Cameronza - 10
LUA error when comparing items.
#198 opened by entroscopy - 0
Show achievement points in tooltip
#197 opened by frozn - 2
LUA error on currency tooltip
#196 opened by hollo6 - 1
No longer tells me the owner of a pet in the tooltip
#195 opened by bunster - 3
LUA error on random tooltips
#194 opened by hollo6 - 3
Option to disable mythic keystone text
#193 opened - 2
Bug: Tooltip health & mana bars size of whole screen when backdrop modifications are disabled
#192 opened - 3
LUA error on paragon reward tooltip
#191 opened by hollo6 - 2
- 3
LUA error during mouse over characters
#189 opened by mentis00 - 4
Last two releases broke cursor's anchoring
#188 opened by k1ck3r - 5
Tooltip showing up enlarged
#187 opened by Peregran - 3
Health and mana bars not displaying within tooltip
#186 opened by caricatura - 2
Mouse Anchor Offsets broken
#185 opened by SuperLeiyan - 3
Interface/SharedXML/Color.lua:60: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil) (GeneratePlayerLines)
#183 opened by Jeremy7600 - 2
LUA error during pet battle
#182 opened by hollo6 - 1
TipTacTalents getclasscolor error
#181 opened by Snichy - 14
font keeps resetting
#180 opened by hollo6 - 2
frame unit > anchor point > parent anchor not working
#179 opened by Riuujin - 1
Latest version Makes Some Drop-Down Menu's Small
#178 opened by Pillgar - 3
2x SharedXML/Color.lua:60: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
#177 opened by tatatada - 2
Bugs with 23.1.23 update.
#176 opened by Neptec1 - 10
Many broken things with 23.01.23
#175 opened by tflo - 4
Lua error when enabling tiptac+elvui
#174 opened by lowpita - 1
Error with MRP in latest relese
#173 opened by WanderingFox - 2
TipTacTalents - Lua Errors with Wrath Classic 3.4.1
#172 opened by boktai1000 - 2
Lua Error: bad argument (outside of expected range -2147483648 to 2147483647)
#171 opened by robertjamesftw - 2
TipTacItemRef - Lua Errors with Wrath Classic 3.4.1
#170 opened by boktai1000 - 4
TipTac has been been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI (while using abilities)
#169 opened by jarckn - 2
Conflict with "Plater" addon
#168 opened by kwonjt0501 - 5
Tiptac blocked my UI
#167 opened by Milky063 - 1
TipTac has been blocked from an action only available for the Blizzard UI.
#166 opened by BoomsiFTW - 1
Lua Error...
#165 opened by Milky063 - 1
Lua error
#164 opened by Niyuni - 1
Controlling the "sell price" tag in tooltip
#163 opened by k1ck3r - 1
Lua Error
#162 opened by chemlosc - 4
Show the true reaction string if NPC belongs to a reputation faction
#161 opened by tflo - 3
Add a checkbox to show or hide the word "Specialization" for the "Talents" module
#160 opened by dakotaua - 6
ItemLevel calculation error
#158 opened by helicdark - 1
Add styling of LibDropdown-1.0
#157 opened by frozn - 1
More options for hotkey to show hidden tips in combat
#156 opened by frozn