Titan Panel [Currencies] Multi

Titan Panel [Currencies] Multi


Bugs with CurrenciesMulti while updating to Titan Panel 8.0.5

sim-olv opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Here's what I got with BugSack / BugGrabber

1x TitanCurrenciesMulti/Core/Menus.lua:2: attempt to index a nil value
[string "@TitanCurrenciesMulti/Core/Menus.lua"]:2: in main chunk


9x TitanCurrenciesMulti/Core/Elib-4.0-11.lua:164: CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "TitanPanelComboTemplate"
[string "=[C]"]: in function CreateFrame'
[string "@TitanCurrenciesMulti/Core/Elib-4.0-11.lua"]:164: in function Elib'
[string "@TitanCurrenciesMulti/Core/SimpleCurrencyPlugin.lua"]:215: in function `CreateSimpleCurrencyPlugin'
[string "@TitanCurrenciesMulti/c.Dragonflight/TitanAspectsDreamingCrest.lua"]:12: in main chunk 

Please, friend. Update Titan to v8.0.8 and my addon to the lastest version too.

Thank you for your feedback! ๐Ÿ˜