![Titan Panel [Currencies] Multi](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/143/886/256/256/636552136612491668.jpeg)
- 1
Lua error loading TitanTrophyOfStrife.lua
#30 opened by Protuhj - 1
Latest update broke seasonal currencies
#29 opened by Protuhj - 3
Rethinking what the colors for current amount of currency mean for seasonal currencies
#31 opened by Protuhj - 0
Show alts on other realms and factions for BoA currencies
#34 opened by SpareSimian - 1
Don't show a random cap when the currency is uncapped
#7 opened by romdeau23 - 1
Sort currencies?
#10 opened by Protuhj - 1
Bugs with CurrenciesMulti while updating to Titan Panel 8.0.5
#36 opened by sim-olv - 3
Lua error after Titan Panel Update
#37 opened by Odysseas68 - 3
Don't sum shared currencies
#40 opened by SpareSimian - 2
Warbank Support in TWW
#45 opened by ryulinho - 1
Currencies not showing up since 11.0.2.
#46 opened by SparkOfPinkGit - 1
4 modules have error
#47 opened by Odysseas68 - 0
GetItemCount moved to namespace C_Item
#48 opened by SpareSimian - 3
Wrong/Missing Jewelcrafting Currency in Cataclysm Classic category
#54 opened by SilAntoine - 2
[Request] Cataclysm Classic - New Firelands currency
#56 opened by SilAntoine - 1
[Request] Cataclysm Classic - Fissure Stone Fragments
#59 opened by SilAntoine - 2
[Cataclysm Classic - Request] Obsidian Fragment
#69 opened by SilAntoine - 1
Crests has no more limitation?
#70 opened by Canettieri - 0
Design decision: Seasonal Currencies/Items keeping same titan ID?
#82 opened by Protuhj - 1
Radiant Echo have change ID
#78 opened by Odysseas68 - 1
[Request] Riders of Azeroth Badge
#77 opened by Odysseas68 - 5
S2 new crests
#73 opened by Odysseas68 - 2
Update Tower Knowledge currency to show seasonal max/etc similar to Valor
#5 opened by lostmimic