



DataMiner currently is in BETA. It collects data about your loots while doing herbalism or mining professions. The goal is to show where it is worthwile to farm a ressource and create some sort of recommendation.


  1. Titan Panel or any LDB aware display addon (since version 0.1.0; Titan, Bazooka and ChocolateBar are tested)
  2. At least you'll need a character with herbalism or mining profession.

Bug Reports

Bug reports and feature requests can be filed on the project site at http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/titandataminer/tickets/. If you found a bad spelling in your translation, then create a account on curse.com and edit it directly on the localization page http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/titandataminer/localization/.


Writing an addon is a lot of work, so if you use DataMiner please donate $ 1 here or donate € 1 here.


You can reach the configuration dialog using ESC -> Interface -> Addons -> DataMiner.


The main page gives some info about the addon, such as the version number. The log settings are also part of this page.


This page lists items that will NOT go into the databases. Thats why we are not interested in looting data for these items. If you uncheck the button labled with 'Exclude' the item will be counted and so will go into the bases. You also can add additional items here.


A shortcut is a feature to help shorten the chat commands. In this dialog you can configure key / command pairs. The key then can be used in the chat window.
We config a shortcut pair using key: MYKEY and command: /titan gui control. To process this, we type /dm :MYKEY: in chat (note the colons enclosing the key).
The key must be in UPPERCASE letters. This works for all addons and standard commands, not only DataMiner.

Chat Commands

/dm or /dm helpprint help
/dm toggleenable/disable collecting data
/dm table herbs/oreprint table
/dm table herbs/ore remove <n>Remove index <n> from table
/dm timeprint current time segment
/dm logshow log
/dm log deletedelete log
/dm log toggletoggle loging
/dm view defaultdefault view
/dm view item/zone <name>item or zone view
/clrclears chat

If you want put a command into chat with an argument consisting of more than one word, you have to inclose it into quotation marks, just like /dm view item "My cool item".

Mining Data

On login mining data is off. That means you can loot everything like without DataMiner, but DataMiner has no knowledge about the looted items. To switch data mining on or off you have 3 possibilities:

  • Left click the DataMiner icon
  • Right click the DataMiner icon and set or unset the checkmark in the settings (Only available with Titan Panel).
  • Using a '/dm toggle' in the chat window

If you have already collected enough of data, DataMiner will post a recommendation into chat by enabling data mining.

Time Segment

DataMiner parts our 24h-day into 8 pieces of 3 hours to store time data into the tables. So time segment 1 lasts from 0:00 to 2:59 and segment 8 lasts from 21:00 to 23:59. The current time segment can be printed in chat using '/dm time'.


The view is shown when the mouse cursor is placed over the DataMiner icon. Currently DataMiner has 3 different views:

  • Default view: Shows looted items in current zone, current weekday, current time segment
  • Item view: Shows where and when this item was looted
  • Zone view: Shows the items looted in this zone in a cumulated fashion

Switching a view is possible using the chat commands '/dm view *'.


DataMiner has a buildin loging feature. On first login the loging is enabled. The default logsize is 50 entrys.

View Log

To print the log into the chat window use '/dm log'. The log can also be seen on the main configuration page.

Enable or Disable Loging

To enable or disable loging you have 3 possibilities:

  • Use /dm log toggle in chat
  • Change the log settings in the addon configuration
  • Right click on the DataMiner icon and set or unset the checkmark (only available with Titan Panel).

Delete The Log

Its possible to delete the entire log to save some space. This can be done via:

  • '/dm log delete' in chat window for doing this.
  • Change the log settings in the addon configuration If loging is still enabled a new log will be created.


Data Miner uses tables to store looting information. These tables will be stored on disk when the player logs off and will be loaded when player logs in.

Show Table

Tables can be printed to chat using '/dm table herbs' for herbs or '/dm table ore' for ore.

Remove a Line in a Table

Single entrys in a table can be removed manually. To do so you need the index of the entry in a table. The index can be seen, when you show the table. To remove an entry do a '/dm table herbs remove <index>' for herbs or '/dm table ore remove <index>' for ore.