Titan Treasury
This is a addon for Titan Panel witch displays your Currency list on Titan Panel.
Bug Reports
Please use a bug chatching addon like !Swatter this can be found in the Auctioneer addon package. This will provide the information needed to fix any bugs that may pop up, a good place to post bugs is Curseforge bug tracker, this will keep me from having to delete posts so that inportant information is easy to find. Please include the version number of the addon you are currently using.
Please leave feedback so we can make this addon into something usable, That everyone feels that they took a part in creating.
Displays all Currencys
Displays all Alts
I am currently looking for people to help with other languages, If you feel you can do so and would like to help look in
X:/Path_to/World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/TitanTreasury/Locals/xxXX.lua
and edit your language with the changes as needed. Email any changes to aaron [ @ ] kanadian.net subject should be "localization [ xx ]" to avoid spam filter.
Unfinished Translations
If you feel you can help with any of the following translations please see the Translation section.
- German (deDE)
- Russian (ruRU)
- French (frFR)
- Korean (koKR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)