README: TomCat's Tours is now combined into one addon!
If you are new to TomCat's Tours, Do not install "TomCat's Tours: Complete".
Everything from TomCat's Tours can now be found in the core TomCat's Tours addon.
For help:
Support links, including live support, are available at
TomCat's Tours: Hallow's End is a simple addon that helps you to collect tricky treats
- All candy buckets on each continent are pre-routed for you
- The orange arrow on your minimap will point you in the direction of the next candy bucket
- Just follow the arrow until you reach the candy bucket
- One click on the candy bucket quest will open any handful of tricky treats that is in your bag and then complete the quest - no more 'unable to complete quest' because of the unique item!
Comments are disabled at this time as the majority of comments made fall into 3 categories which can be summed up below:
1) This edition of TomCat's Tours does NOT display any icons. Get Candy Buckets if you want icons in addition to the features offered here.
2) You must have the core TomCat's Tours addon installed and enabled in order for this component to work.
3) If you have a bug or other issue to report, you can report via the link near the top of the page.
Thank you for understanding