

tomYeller is an addon I created for my guild to announce the following abilities in raid (or party) :

  • Combat rez:
    • Rebirth
    • Soulstone Resurrection
    • Raise Ally
  • Bloodlust like spells:
    • Bloodlust
    • Heroism
    • Time Warp
    • Ancient Hysteria
  • Single target defensive cooldowns:
    • Pain Suppression
    • Guardian Spirit
    • Hand of Sacrifice
    • Hand of Salvation
    • Hand of Protection
    • Hand of Freedom
  • Raid wide defensive cooldowns:
    • Aura Mastery
    • Divine Guardian
    • Rallying Cry
    • Spirit Link Totem
    • Power Word: Barrier
    • Tranquility
  • Misc spells:
    • Innervate
    • Lay on Hands
    • LightWell
    • Mana Tide Totem

When appropriate then announcement will tell the target of the spell, spell with a duration will also have an announcement for the end of the spell. Combat rez spell with a cast time will also have announcements for the start and cancel of the spell. Each annoucemement will have a raid target icon at the sart and at the end, each icon have a signification :

  • Skull is for combat rez
  • Orange circle is for raid wide cooldowns
  • Yellow star is for single target cooldowns
  • Puprle diamon is for misc spells
  • Red cross is for spell interrups
  • White moon is for lightwell