Adds an icon to the reference tooltip (from clicking on an item link in chat) and the popup tooltips (when mousing over an item).
Icons can be displayed in a small frame to the side of the tooltip, in the top line of the tooltip, or used as a background for the tooltip.
Works for Items, Spells, Achievements and Currency.
TooltipItemIcon uses slash commands to change modes, to enable/disable certain tooltips, and to change the location of the icon frame around the tooltip. These are documented in the included commands.txt file, but here are some examples:
/ttii inside {switch to Inside mode}
/ttii background {switch to Background mode}
/ttii title {switch to Title mode}
/ttii frame {switch to Frame mode, the default}
/ttii gametooltip off {disables the icon for the popup tooltip}
/ttii compare off {disables the icon for all comparison-type tooltips}
/ttii gametooltip lefttop {moves the icon for the popup tooltip to the left side}
/ttii screen lefttop {'screen' applies the requested command to all tooltips currently visible on screen}
/ttii reset {reset all settings to the defaults}
Should work with any language version of WoW; however the Slash commands are in English.
Compatible with LinkWrangler and some other Tooltip AddOns.
This is an update of TooltipItemIcon by Freddy @ That project has since been archived (last update was Feb 2006).