


TopGun is a simple, lightweight, all-in-one flight addon, that keeps track of pretty much everything you can think of!

Simply type /topgun or /tg to open TopGun anywhere!

Flight Timer Bar!

What does TopGun do?

  • Creates a Customizable Flight Timer bar
  • Shows flight times in Tooltip
  • Keeps track of every flight you've ever taken
  • Keeps track of how much gold you've spent on flights
  • Keeps track of all kinds of data about your flights
  • Creates a clickable list of flightpaths! In Alphabetical order! For the map-challenged.

TopGun in action!

How To Contribute to TopGun

If you love this idea, please tell a friend (or two) to get this addon too!

TopGun hasn't been around forever like some of those million-download addons, so I'm trying to get some word of mouth going!

And please consider the donate button on the right. I dunno if they allow 1 cent donations, but I sure do :)

You can email me your saved flight data & I'll add it to future releases

Your saved data is located at \World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\[accountName]\SavedVariables\TopGun.lua

Email your TopGun.lua file to [email protected]