


I made this addon months ago but never distributed it beyond a few friends.  At this point, the addon is as functional as I need so I am not planning to develop it further other than potential bug fixes if any are found.

The UI for this addon is terrible so I made a video to explain how it works if the explanation below is not sufficient:


  • Records Torghast powers when you click an orb and allows you to assign priority value to them based on several criteria.
  • Automatically selects Torghast powers based on the values assigned.
  • Saves settings per spec. Powers shared between specs are not grouped together so each spec must be set up independently.
  • Allows export/import of settings similar to weakauras for a spec.

Use /tap to open the UI.

Please read below for an explanation of how to use this addon.

When you first get this addon, you should do 2-3 Torghast runs (any level, it doesn't matter) before trying to set anything up.  As you click orbs the addon will record powers that appear as choices (it will record all options whether you pick the power or not).  After a few runs, you should have a reasonable amount of powers recorded to begin setting up the addon.

At this point, open the UI with /tap and you should see the powers that were in your recent runs. The addon records everything by spec and by default it will open to your current spec. You will see several text boxes next to each power.

The first box is the Base box. You can get 99% of the value of this addon using only this box and ignoring all the other boxes. By default, the base priority for a power is 1. Any power that the addon has not seen yet will also be assigned value 1.  For each power, fill in a value in the Base box that is larger than 1 for powers that you want the addon to prefer taking and a value between 0 and 1 for powers you want it to avoid.  Press Enter after filling in a value to save it.  For example, suppose you fill in 0.1 for the power Periapt of Furor and 2 for the power Warlord's Resolve.  Then you are in a run and click an orb and those two powers are your options along with Bloodgorged Leech which you haven't seen before.  The addon will choose Warlord's Resolve because you assigned it value 2 while Periapt of Furor has value 0.1 and Bloodgorged Leech has value 1 since it is a power the addon has not recorded before.



If you want to get more granular in your priorities, there may be powers that you want to take on certain floors but not other floors.  For example, Unstable Phantasma Lure has more value the earlier you find it so you may want to give it a high priority on floor 1 but a low priority on later floors.  If that is the case, fill in a value for each box listed Floor #.  If you leave one empty, it will use the Base value instead.

Additionally, there may be powers that you want to value higher or lower based on already having another power.  To set this up, put in the spell ID for the power you should already have when you find the power you are setting up and press Enter.  The icon for that power should appear next to the box to confirm you entered the correct spell ID.  Next, fill in the priority you want in the box to the right and press Enter.  For example, suppose I want Blade of the Tideskorn to be given higher priority when I already have the power Glory of Skyhold.  I will go to the entry for Blade of the Tideskorn and enter the spell ID for Glory of Skyhold (350005) in the box labeled By Power. The icon for Glory of Skyhold should appear next to it. Then you fill in a large number as the priority value in the rightmost box and press Enter.

It is important to understand that a value between 0 and 1 such as 0.5 indicates that you would prefer that the addon chooses a power you have not seen before over this power.  Use these values for powers that you don't like and want the addon to avoid.

Once you have set values for a power, you can click the icon to hide it.  There is a dropdown to show the hidden powers if you need to adjust them and clicking the icon there will un-hide it again.  There is also a section for the current run you are in (or your most recent run if you have finished) in case you want to adjust the value for a power you just saw recently.

After you set values for some powers (usually 2-3 runs will give you enough to start with) check the box for Auto-picking and the addon will start automatically selecting powers every time you click an orb.