The about section is the place where you can describe your character (physical, history, personality ...). You can choose between 3 different templates, allowing you to really have a personal description.
The directory lists all the characters and companions you already crossed before. That's a good way to find back someone your roleplayed with.
Total RP 3 comes with a full compatibility with the Mary Sue Protocol, allowing you to share data with MyRoleplay, XRP and Total RP 2 users.
You can customize profiles for your companions (hunter pets, battle pets, mage elementars ...).
You can importe your profiles from Total RP 2, MyRolePlay, XRP, flagRSP2 and flagRSP(MoP).
The "at first glance" section allows you to explain a set of information that should be directly known by the other characters.
Total RP 3 allows you to scan the map for other Total RP users.