Totem Dismiss

Totem Dismiss


UPDATE - It seems like the latest patch broke this addon (as well as a lot of other totem addons). The reason for this is the removal of two core functions from the blizzard API: GetTotemInfo, which this addon uses to display the totem button, and DestroyTotem, which is the core functionality of removing totems. Because DestroyTotem is removed there's no point in trying to work around GetTotemInfo. I'll keep looking for a fix. I hate to say it but for now it's probably best to disable the addon :(

Provides a 4-button bar that allows shaman in WoW Classic to dismiss their totems by clicking on the appropriate icon, or through a macro.

Use "/totemdismiss locked" to move the bar around. More options available in Interface Options -> AddOns -> TotemDismiss
