Trade Skill Reagents

Trade Skill Reagents


I am no longer playing WoW and as a result not updating this addon.

Learns which reagents go to which trade skills by scanning recipes when the trade skill window is opened. This can be either your own trade skills or ones linked in chat channels.

This addon will automatically unlearn reagents when recipes get removed / changed. This will take a few scans to take effect to cover cases where recipes do not all get scanned.

Be sure to open both learned and unlearned tabs for best results as not all recipes get returned from just the learned tab for some reason.

NOTE: you can see this for yourself by turning on the "Debug" option and seeing how many recipes and reagents are scanned when you open up the UI and switch between tabs.

Reagents database and options are global across your entire account.

Supports a single color for all trade skills or lets you set a unique color for each in the options (Escape Menu -> Interface -> Addons -> Trade Skills Reagents)

NOTE: this section will be empty until trade skills are scanned. As each trade skill is scanned it will be added to the options table. Requires reloading the UI to take effect.

This addon can also be used as a library. This addons reagent database is exposed via inter-addon messages. See as an example.