Trading Post Optimiser


This addon tells you wich mats from the daily trader at the Trading Post are worth the most in terms of AH value/ressource spent (Auction House cut accounted for) in the click of a single button as well as the best trade across all traders. Requires TSM_AuctionDB to work.

How to use:
Upon entering the world with a character, a macro called TPO with a Pepe icon will be created.
Just put the macro on your bar and click in while in your Garrison!
Autobuying is deactivated by default. It lets you use the macro while talking with the daily trader to automatically buy down to 5k Resources with the Deal of the Day and down to 3k Resources with the best long term trade. If you want more, you can always buy manually after that.

Trading Post Optimiser output

/tpo dotd <priceSource> - Use a custom price source for the Deal of the Day (Default: "DBMarket").
/tpo longterm <priceSource> - Use a custom price source for the best Long Term trade (Default: "DBHistorical").
/tpo autobuy - Toggle autobuying the Deal of the Day and the best Long Term trade (Default: false).
/tpo ahcut - Toggle taking the Auction House cut (5%) into account (Default: false).
/tpo reset - Reset configuration settings back to defaults.
/tpo verbose - Toggle verbose mode (Always false on login).