



Raid announcements for Tranquilizing Shot hit/miss along with timer UI.

About this addon

This addon targets assisting usage of Tranqulizing Shot in raids with minimum overhead (it's very small!). It will display a list of all hunters in your raid, along with timers for their current Tranqulizing Shot cooldowns. Additionally, it will /raid when you hit or miss a Tranquilizing Shot. That's it! I'll probably add some additional features like parsing /raid to sync results beyond the 50y combat radius, but rotation based stuff is, and will always be, left to you!

Feel free to drop suggestions or bug details my way in comments. This is still actively in development as I expand upon a few key upcoming features.

Currently supported commands

  • /tranqshow - show and reset the UI
  • /tranqhide - hide the UI

Upcoming features

  • Reorder hunter list with broadcast to sync.
  • Specify a broadcast channel.
  • Tranqhelp command to list commands with descriptions in game.


View an up to date changelog here: