Trap Raid Roller

Trap Raid Roller


Inspired by my guild's (Trap - Bleeding Hollow) method of rolling out loot. You roll 1-100 for main spec, 1-99 for offspec, 1-98 for a transmog. It's sort of need/greed/xmog. When people roll around you, it grabs their name & roll from chat and organizes it in a tab by roll and main spec/off spec/transmog.

When a raid member picks up a piece of epic of better loot that is lower or equal ilvl than their current gear, it prompts them if they want it or not. If they are willing to trade it out it sends a prompt to the raid assists (who also have the addon) so they can click a button to roll it out. It then displays people's rolls organized as below.

All main spec rolls are colored blue (Rare)

All off spec rolls are colored green (Uncommon)

All transmog rolls are colored white (Common)


--Completely rewritten code, easer to understand/update/improve!

--A panel in your interface -> addons under Trap Raid Roller!

The list of commands are:

/trr h or /trr help -- Shows a help dialogue in chat

/trr -- Shows/hides all windows

/trr reset -- resets the roll window (NOT the lead list)

/trr toggleColor or /trr tc -- toggles the list background between blue and green

There are more options in the addons -> Trap Raid Roller tab of the interface menu!

If you have any comments (want more features, found a bug, etc) feel free to comment =D

These are not in any particular order, and may be moved around/changed/added as I see fit.


1. A general use part of the addon that uses the original Need/Greed/Disenchant interface to roll stuff out so that people can figure out what the loot is easier (hovering over it and whatnot).

Suggested TODO:

1. Add in "Last Call" and "Rolling Closed" button, similar to Cross Gambling addon. (probably "Last call for [Item Link]")

2. Add in Timer (not a bar) so that it's easy to know how much time has passed. Possibly edit it to be the same time as the Need/Greed/Disenchant interface (or match up the interface w/ the timer instead)

3. Create a tiered list (probably in the interface -> addons section) for a priority list. Add a /trr priority [item link] to use this list. Useful for rewarding attendance (or punishing low attendance). Toggle which list you're using for priority. (WILL ONLY WORK FOR MAIN SPEC ROLLS)

Far Future TODO:

3. Localization?

Known Issues:

1. Trade question popup not coming up when traded loot from someone offserver

2. Trade question popup coming up when it shouldn't when you're traded something already on the loot list.