Visit The Live Stream to join in on the development of TriviaBot by Clicking here or visiting
TriviaBot allows the user to host quiz games for other players.
Spamming it in /say in crowded places or /general is not a good idea,
but Blizzard's spam prevention makes it alot harder to abuse it that way currently.
It's a nice and safe pass-time among consenting adults. :-)
Used best in the custom channel, a party with friends or to liven up that "dead" guild chat.
If you wish to join in on the development of TriviaBot and join a really nice Horde guild, then allow me to suggest - Knights of Insomnia - [H] [Mankrik]
Feel free to join our Discord for more information on the guild:
Triviabot is now updated for 7.2.5. As the game has updated numerous times since the last update we are releasing a triviabot beta. Any comments on errors would be greatly appreciated.
Known bugs:
- Invalid channel count output in towns and cities
- /triviabot or /trivia to bring up it's control panel.
- then you can use the dropdowns to select among different Question Lists and Categories.
- set the output and customize the announce intervals, reporting options etc.
Other Commands
- /trivia help will list other commands.
- !tb help whispered to a game host will list other whisper commands.
With version 2.8.0 and later
TriviaBot no longer contains pre-packaged Quizzes with the main download!
- Quizzes are instead coming in the form of separate Load on Demand addons called Quiz plugins.
- This allows the game to load much faster since Question Lists are not loaded until the Quiz host selects them from the TriviaBot control panel.
- Gives you the option to install only quiz themes and languages that interest you.
- Allows the community to create and share quizzes without having to wait for the main addon to be repackaged.
Quiz Plug-ins
Be aware of fake question lists. List updated 7th December 2017.
- Lorewalkers of Silvermoon (NEW!) - Authors: Cybernoid and co.
- TriviaBot Quiz Timeless Authors: Blizzard / Dridzt for the conversion.
- TriviaBot_QuestionsWoW1 (previously prepackaged as \Questions\TriviaQuestions1.lua) Generic WoW BC/LK era.
- TriviaBot_QuestionsWoW2 (previously prepackaged as \Questions\TriviaQuestions7.lua) Generic WoW Classic era.
- Timeless by Road_Block
- TriviaBot_QuizAnythingHessinger 4897 Generic - non WoW questions (previously \Questions\TriviaQuestions2.lua)
- TriviaBot_QuizDragonSoul1 Authors: Marchello@Aszune / zopa34
- Nerdtastic (Video game questions) Author: Rorrey.
- TriviaBot Boss Strategies Authors: Urkel and Shamanshis - EU-Darksorrow.
- TriviaBot_CataTrivia500 Authors: Etuliela and Indomie, US-Barthilas.
- TriviaBot_CataTrivia501-1000 Authors: Etuliela and Indomie, US-Barthilas.
- Triviabot_CataTrivia1000 Authors: Etuliela and Idomie, US-Barthilas.
- [TriviaBot] WoWQuiz500 Authors: Gholeras & Menesus - Kult der Verdammten EU.
- TriviaBot_RU SpeedGame Authors: Aleksei Sa[i]reS Nedopeka
- TriviaBot_RU QuestionWoW1 Authors: Варивода Regaska Андрей, Киряков Reidor Александр, Лихачёва Romixxa Анастасия
- TriviaBot Warcraft - RU Questions Authors: Fatali, EU-Gordunni (RU)
- TriviaBot_QuestionsFR_BFA Authors: Leella-LesClairvoyants, Khamúl-Ysondre et Felheart/Samthefish-ConseildesOmbres (EU)
You need at least one quiz plugin installed for TriviaBot to be able to host a game.
More will be added as users or the TriviaBot Team creates new quiz plug-ins.
Making your own load on demand Quiz
- A sample addon and basic instructions (README_EN.txt) on how to create your own quiz
can be found in TriviaBot\Questions\ sub-folder coming with TriviaBot v2.8.0 and later. - TriviaBot_QuestionMaker is still available for helping with the question file.
More details on the QuestionMaker page on how to submit your questions for inclusion to a Quiz Plug-in.
If you create and upload a new Quiz be sure to make a comment or file a ticket
or drop us a PM so the link can be included to the Quiz Addons list on this page.
Version 2.8.4 ruRU 100% done! Thanks Sa1reS
Version deDE 100% done! Thanks Nihlo
Version frFR: 97.1% done! Thanks FelheartCdO
From version 2.7.0 and later there's no longer a need for fans to scour the source files for strings to modify.
If you want to help translate the interface or output to your language
- Visit the Localization page.
- Find your language in the list and click the number of untranslated phrases (eg. ruRU)
- Submit your translated terms and they will be included with the addon in a future minor update.
Due to the complete rework of question format for 2.5.x you can't use old questions from 2.4.x and earlier.