True Form

True Form


True Form is a very lightweight Style/Roleplay Addon that provides you with 2 simple macro commands /click TrueForm_TurnHuman and /click TrueForm_TurnWorgen that you can add to your macros that will allow you to transform upon casting specific abilities, unlike the newly added out-of-combat auto-transform feature. This way you can customize how your character reacts to using certain spells, such as turning human when stealthing as a rogue but turning into worgen form when you use the grappling hook or shadowstep, implying some sort of agressive intent. Another example could be a Worgen mage disengaging with blink and turning into human form.

If the macro has TrueForm_TurnHuman, it will only cast Two Forms when you are in worgen form.

If the macro has TrueForm_TurnWorgen, it will only cast Two Forms when you are in human form.

IMPORTANT NOTE!--if the macro isn't working it's likely due to your Console Variable settings, try using:

"/click TrueForm_TurnHuman MouseButton 1"


"/click TrueForm_TurnWorgen MouseButton 1"


Its main use is intented to aid in Roleplaying, for those who really care about the transformation aspect

This addon was originally made, and released one week before blizzard added the auto-transformation feature "Calm the Wolf". It was only intented for transforming you into human form when using mounts and some abilities etc., but with the release of this feature I have decided to rework it into working both ways so it wouldn't be completely obsolete :). The main idea comes from Genn Greymane in Heroes of the Storm, where when he leaps onto an enemy he turns into beast form and when he rolls backward, transforms back.

Only thing you will need to do after you install the addon, is to enter combat once and only once, as further log-ins will remember your form! You can still use Calm of the Wolf while using this addon turning it into a occasional non-combat worgen transformer, since anytime you're out of combat Calm will turn you human anyway.


On certain niche occasions, the addon might confuse your form -- which doesn't happen very often at all. It is fixed the next time you enter combat



GIF showing the addon in action is in the images section!

Optional Features that can be used for troubleshooting:

  •    /tftog : toggles a texture frame that shows you which form the addon believes you're currently in
    •    /tfres : sets your form to nil(aka nothing), it will be set again when you enter combat
    •    /tfpr : either shows a 1 or 0 in chat depending on what the addon believes your current form is.(1 for worgen, 0 for human)

NOTE: These commands are not supposed to be necessary at all to use this addon, you may ignore them.