[10.1.0] ActionBarActionButtonMixin => ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin
Wetxius opened this issue ยท 3 comments
On latest PTR build changed ActionBarActionButtonMixin.
Now Blizzard use ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin Gethe/wow-ui-source@9e8c71b#diff-b1cfbbf99c2cbb68ef9f30e85812e5a736154dec48da4d5ff2ed082c6e89c54eL91
Need to change all hook ActionBarActionButtonMixin to ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin. Without that color not worked on PTR.
We should be okay for the moment. As far as I can tell, the entire point of that mixin is to define OnDragStop as a function that does nothing.
ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin = CreateFromMixins(ActionBarActionButtonMixin);
function ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin:OnDragStop() end
in tullaRange, we hook the OnLoad event from ActionBarActionButtonMixin
local f = EnumerateFrames()
while f do
if f.OnLoad == ActionBarActionButtonMixin.OnLoad then
f = EnumerateFrames(f)
-- grab later ones, too
hooksecurefunc(ActionBarActionButtonMixin, "OnLoad", actionButton_OnLoad)
Because ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin doesn't redefine OnLoad, the code should still work as expected.