- 3
Out of range dot still shows on Bars 4-8
#33 opened by siven80 - 0
WoW-retail - DragonFlight (Prepatch) errors
#9 opened by MelchiorGaspar - 0
Lua error on Wrath when opening options on a different addon
#10 opened by b-morgan - 1
tullaRange + Bartender
#11 opened by Xorag - 7
desaturated icons only on the "out of range" part of the addon
#13 opened by dnlpz - 5
Code refactor
#14 opened by Odjur - 1
Spell macros not recolored in WotLKC
#18 opened by kazso - 0
Macros no Longer Changing Color
#19 opened by Zaef - 2
Not working with (all?) Masque styles?
#20 opened by 40P3 - 3
Consistancy between death and flying?
#21 opened by rakkarage - 3
[10.1.0] ActionBarActionButtonMixin => ActionBarActionButtonDerivedMixin
#22 opened by Wetxius - 2
10.1 Update
#23 opened by Zaef - 2
Small Error at Login with latest Beta 2 version
#29 opened by Galthariel - 1
Wrath PTR LUA errors
#24 opened by sausje - 0
Classic Era Anti-venom Out of Mana
#25 opened by HideInYellow - 2
[Wrath Classic Live] 10.1.5-beta1 updater error
#26 opened by Road-block - 2
10.1.5-beta1 retail: deprecated classic function used
#27 opened by speedwaystar - 1
Retail error
#28 opened by OttoDeFe - 2
Tulla Range Options do not work in 3.4.2
#30 opened by darvoso - 2
LUA error Wrath classic
#31 opened by sausje - 4
Latest Retail version shows spells as usable, incorrectly. (10.1.6)
#32 opened by arcadepro - 4
Error after 11.0.0 update
#35 opened by 40P3 - 7
Warrior Execute button not being greyed out properly.
#36 opened by siven80 - 3
11.0.2 LUA spam
#37 opened by vezevez - 1
WoW Classic Era (1.15.4) - Addon no longer properly working
#39 opened by maximus210793 - 1
LUA Errors (Detected with BugSack)
#38 opened by Akrololz - 0
Update 1.15.5 - Classic Era 20th Anniversary
#40 opened by maximus210793 - 2
Color hotkey text
#4 opened by Tuller - 0
Error upon moving pet spells
#5 opened by bandophahita - 2
Stance dancing/form cancelling macro support
#6 opened by merijn - 2
Does not work with either Bartender4 or the whole Burning Crusade Classic version of the game
#8 opened by LtqxWYEG - 3
4.3 PTR Ultraxion
#2 opened by sp00n - 1
Causing logouts upon ui-reloads
#3 opened by Malchemy - 1
Switch to animation system for timers
#1 opened by Tuller